MediaWiki API result

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                "title": "2025-03-10",
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                "user": "Woozle",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-10T13:33:52Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"==The Short Version== * My intuitive sense is that there is a way to do voting that reduces the degree to which misinformation (and therefore paid advertising, and therefore m...\""
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                "pageid": 2531,
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                "user": "Woozle",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-08T14:54:09Z",
                "comment": "draft, needs work"
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                "user": "Woozle",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-08T13:39:51Z",
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                "timestamp": "2025-02-08T13:38:43Z",
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                "title": "Product ideas",
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                "user": "Woozle",
                "timestamp": "2020-08-19T01:06:55Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"==Hardware== * inexpensive receipt scanner (good for small photo prints too) ** prototype could use old smartphone for imaging ** hard part: feed mechanism * foot-pedal for co...\""
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                "user": "Woozle",
                "timestamp": "2018-07-12T14:51:01Z",
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                "title": "Federated banking",
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                "timestamp": "2018-07-12T14:50:49Z",
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                "timestamp": "2018-06-05T00:28:00Z",
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                "timestamp": "2018-06-04T23:54:33Z",
                "comment": ""
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                "timestamp": "2018-06-04T23:33:35Z",
                "comment": ""