
< ICMS:Laboratory‎ | InstaGov
Revision as of 01:30, 21 July 2010 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (about right; to be tested, when code is written)
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<echo raw now><form action="/Special:InstaGov/page:qu/do:add" target=newpage method=POST></echo>
Title: <echo raw now><input name=title size=40></echo> ⇐ name of wiki page to create
Text of question: <echo raw now><textarea name=text rows=8></textarea></echo>
Text for positive end of rating scale: <echo raw now><input name=text_pos size=20></echo> (optional)
Text for negative end of rating scale: <echo raw now><input name=text_pos size=20></echo> (optional)

<echo raw now><input type=hidden name=title_prefix value="Question:"></echo> <echo raw now><input type=submit value=Preview> <input type=reset value="-clear-"></echo> <echo raw now></form></echo>