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The Short Version

  • My intuitive sense is that there is a way to do voting that reduces the degree to which misinformation (and therefore paid advertising, and therefore money) influences the outcome.
  • ...but I still wonder if that is enough of a filter. There's an obvious solution space (political literacy tests and/or empathy tests), and obvious historical problems with same (the people in power redesigning those tests in a way that excludes anyone they disagree with).

For now, though, I keep coming back to the idea of first creating a better system -- one designed to make sure voters are at least informed about the issues before they vote, while making it easier overall to vote -- but as a tool for collective action rather than an official government function.

Then we can see where the bugs are, and fix them before pushing to get the new system adopted officially.

Events keep moving too fast, though -- we needed to start testing/using this system 10 years ago (or more).