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<hide> <let save name=debate-point-summary>Gun insurance would actually raise the cost of gun ownership very little.</let> <let save name=debate-point-parent>Exhibits/debate/points/Woozle/2015/10/04/210401</let> <let save name=debate-point-type>con</let> <let save name=debate-point-details>Again, Jeremy acknowledges that it would not actually make gun ownership unaffordable, so this is not a reason not to do it.

It's actually a rather strange argument. He suggests a valid objection to the proposal, but he knows that it's based on a false premise -- so he puts it in the mouths of his opponents in order to make them look bad: kind of a combination straw-man and guilt-by-association. "I say you're taking this position for reason X, and reason X is false, therefore your position is wrong".</let> <let save name=debate-point-req-all val="" /> </hide><exec mod=debate-mw func=ShowDebateData />